Life at Arvind – AMD ( Advanced Materials Division )


    If you keep thinking about better and more efficient ways to do a single thing to make it profitable for everyone then innovation is your key driving force, come be a part of AMD to hone your skills and explore new opportunities and scopes to grow and succeed every day.

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    At Arvind Advance Material Division, people are our competitive advantage. It is our employees who create extraordinary results for our customers and stakeholders on a continuous basis. Growth and speed are a way of life at Arvind AMD. Exponential growths, expansions and exploring new territories have created a wide range of career opportunities, which not only fuel the passion for work of people but also meet their professional aspirational needs.

    Arvind AMD provides an open and a dynamic work environment where the organisation believes in its people and also recognises that its success and growth are driven by people. It is the competence and capability of our people that sets us apart from other players in the industry and lends us the competitive edge in building tomorrow’s enterprise, today.

    We understand the strategic importance of organisational and employee capability building in achieving vision and business results. Therefore all systems, processes and people practices are designed and executed at best in class level to enhance organisational performance. We pride ourselves of our people management processes that help us meet commitments consistently. We offer not just a job but a satisfying career and a workplace of the future.

    Arvind AMD is a young and vibrant company where the average workforce age is 33 years. We respect our people and value the strength of each and every employee. Through acquiring the right talent, providing a motivating work environment, empowering employees to be proactive, encouraging informed risk taking, offering growth opportunities, and developing future leaders, we have built a strong team culture. At Arvind AMD, our people always come first, profits naturally follow. We strive to be not merely another employer but an employer that empowers its people to experience & celebrate success of businesses.